New Mosquito Threat – Triple E

Just when you thought it was time to prepare for sweater weather and falling leaves, the mosquitoes decide to end their summer reign with a bang, but not in a good way. Mosquitoes can be difficult to spot, however they have their sights set on making you, your family and pets their next target. In addition to the other well-known health risks associated with mosquitoes, multiple cases of Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) commonly called Triple E have been reported across the eastern part of the country. This virus is carried by mosquitoes, and not much is known as to how to stop it. Mosquito bites hurt, but a little bit of knowledge certainly won’t. Here are the basics of EEE.

What is Eastern equine encephalitis?

Eastern equine encephalitis or EEE is a virus carried and spread by mosquitoes that infects the victim on a neurological level. Once bitten, symptoms usually begin to show themselves after 4-10 days. Early symptoms include chills, stiff neck, fever, headache, and a general lack of energy. The primary product of the infection is a swelling of the brain which can lead to a number of neurological disorders and dysfunctions including but not limited to: the survivor being confused and/or disoriented, being prone to seizures, generally unresponsive, and intellectually impaired. Triple E is known to have a startling 30% fatality rate. Unfortunately, there is no known treatment for EEE at this the moment.

Spread of EEE in U.S.

The eastern part of the country has had the most reported cases of Eastern equine encephalitis, with multiple cases being reported in Massachusetts, New York, Florida, Michigan and New Jersey. Some cities have strongly advised citizens to avoid any outdoor activity between dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most prevalent. Other areas have issued a curfew and have even canceled outdoor nightly events. Going outside at these times can be extremely risky, and the outbreak has left many people on edge.

Triple E Prevention

There are several ways you can better protect yourself against mosquitoes and the threat of Eastern equine encephalitis while still enjoying your yard.

  • Wear long sleeve tops and pants, as well as closed toed shoes
  • Wear light color clothing
  • Spray yourself with insect repellent
  • Make sure the windows and doors to your home are closed
  • Avoid drinking beer and make sure to shower more frequently

As cases of Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) continue to rise in the United States it is important to protect yourself and your property against mosquitoes. You can also reach out to your local Mosquito Hunters location to learn about our mosquito control service that treat your entire yard for mosquitoes. Our product includes an adhesive that binds it to the underside of leaves throughout your property. This is where mosquitoes sleep during the day. The mosquitoes absorb our product through their feet. As a result the mosquito population is eliminated from your yard. Contact Mosquito Hunters today to learn more about our mosquito control service.



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Did you know we also do pest control? Mosquito Hunters is a locally owned and operated sister company to Humbug Holiday Lighting. Learn More